
This document refers to deprecated parts of the platform and has been left intact to help customers with legacy integrations. In order to access the latest platform features and documentation, please go to

This class is used with Sentiance.init(SdkConfig, OnInitCallback).

Builder API


Builder(String appId, String secret, Notification notification)

Creates a builder object used for initializing the Sentiance SDK.

Please note: hard-coded credentials are not secure. Load your Sentiance credentials from a secure source such a remote server, and store them securely on the device.


Builder baseURL(String url)

Sets the Sentiance API URL.


SdkConfig build()

Builds an SdkConfig object.


Builder setMetaUserLinker(MetaUserLinker linker)

Sentiance assigns to each user a unique ID. You can link your app's user to the Sentiance user using meta-user linking. The linking step involves server-to-server communication, and is triggered by the SDK via this meta-user linking callback.

Learn more about Meta-User linking here.


Builder setMetaUserLinker(MetaUserLinkerAsync linker)

Same as setMetaUserLinker(MetaUserLinker) but accepts an async linker instead.


Builder setNotificationId(int Id)

The default notification ID used by the SDK when starting a service is 2123874432. If your app already shows a persistent notification when running, you can pass your existing notification ID and have a single notification show up in the panel.


Builder setOnSdkStatusUpdateHandler(OnSdkStatusUpdateHandler handler)

At runtime, the SDK will occasionally send status updates to your app. These are concerning the detection status and environment changes (e.g. location availability, device configuration changes, etc.). You can set a handler here to capture these updates.


Builder setTriggeredTripsEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables triggered trips mode on the SDK.

Learn more about triggered trips here.

Last updated