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While in automatic detection mode, the SDK can be forced to start a trip. Doing so will prevent the SDK from detecting stationary moments and force it to continue collecting trip data until the trip is explicitly stopped.
Once the forced trip is stopped, the SDK will resume automatic detections.
The metadata is an NSDictionary representing a map of string to string types. You can use it to attach any piece of information to this trip. The transportModeHint is a hint you can give the SDK about the type of transport the trip is (e.g. car, bicycle, etc.).
In case starting a trip fails, you can check the SENTSDKStatus object to determine the reason.
startTrip(metadata, transportModeHint, new StartTripCallback() {
public void onSuccess () {
// The trip was successfully started.
public void onFailure (@Nullable SdkStatus sdkstatus) {
// Something prevented the trip to start.
// Check the status object for more details.
The metadata is a map of string to string types. You can use it to attach any piece of information to this trip. The transportModeHint is a hint of type TransportMode you can give the SDK about the type of transport the trip is (e.g. car, bicycle, etc.).
By passing a StartTripCallback to the method, you will be notified when a trip is successfully started. If it fails, you can check the SdkStatus object to determine the reason.
Stopping a Trip
To stop a trip that you've started, call stopTrip as follows:
[[SENTSDK sharedInstance] stopTrip:^{
// successfully stopped the trip
} failure:^(SENTSDKStatus *status) {
// stopping the trip failed
If stopping the trip fails, you can check the SENTSDKStatus to determine why. Note that if no trip was ongoing, failure will be called as well.
To check if a trip is ongoing before calling stopTrip, see this guide.
stopTrip(new StopTripCallback() {
public void onSuccess () {
public void onFailure (@Nullable SdkStatus sdkstatus) {
You can pass a StopTripCallback to this method to be notified when the trip is stopped. If stopping the trip fails, you can check the SdkStatus to determine why. Note that if no trip was ongoing, the onFailure() method will be called as well.
To check if a trip is ongoing before calling stopTrip(), see this guide.