Notification Management

This document refers to deprecated parts of the platform and has been left intact to help customers with legacy integrations. In order to access the latest platform features and documentation, please go to

When specifying a channel/priority for the SDK notification, use a separate channel/priority configured to show non-intrusive notifications. When the SDK is running, your application should show a subtle notification icon, with an appropriate message informing your users about the ongoing detection.

Setting the channel importance to IMPORTANCE_LOW and the notification priority to PRIORITY_MIN will create notifications that do not pop up in front of the user, or cause sounds and device vibrations. The goal is to not distract the user every time the Sentiance SDK runs, as this will cause frustration and lead to eventual app removal.

Properly wording your notification is also important to let your users know why your application is running. State what value you are adding to your user at that moment. For example:

Journeys is running Working in the background to improve your driving habits

Finally, it's important to let your users know that they can easily prioritize and disable notifications. Using the following snippet on Android 8 and above, you can take your user to the channel configuration setting directly from within your app:

Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS)
		.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_APP_PACKAGE, context.getPackageName())
		.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_CHANNEL_ID, channelId);

For more on notification channel best practices, check out Android's design guidelines.

Last updated