
This document refers to deprecated parts of the platform and has been left intact to help customers with legacy integrations. In order to access the latest platform features and documentation, please go to

The Sentiance class is the main entry point for interacting with the SDK. This class is a singleton, therefore you can obtain an instance as follows:

Sentiance sentianceSDK = Sentiance.getInstance(context);

With the exception of the following 4 methods, all other methods in this class will throw an exception when invoked before SDK initialization is complete (seeinit()).

  • init()

  • reset(ResetCallback)

  • getInitState()

  • getVersion()

Sentiance API


void addUserMetadataField(String label, String value)

Adds a user specific metadata field.



Metadata label to add.


Metadata value.


void addUserMetadataFields(Map<String, String> metadata)

Adds multiple user specific metadata fields.



The metadata fields.


boolean addTripMetadata(Map<String, String> metadata)

Adds metadata while an external trip is ongoing. This method can be called multiple times during a trip.

This method returns false if there is no ongoing external trip or null metadata is passed.



A map of metadata pertaining to the ongoing trip, which will be saved along with the trip data.


void disableBatteryOptimization()

Generates a system dialog asking the user to allow disabling battery optimization for the app.

Learn more about disabling battery optimization here.


long getDiskQuotaLimit()

Returns the SDK's disk quota limit in bytes.


long getDiskQuotaUsage()

Returns the SDK's disk quota usage in bytes.


InitState getInitState()

Returns the initialization state of the Sentiance SDK.


static Sentiance getInstance(Context context)

Returns an instance of the Sentiance class.

This method will call Context.getApplicationContext() on the passed context to prevent memory leaks when passing an Activity context.



A Context object.


long getMobileQuotaLimit()

Returns the SDK's mobile data quota limit in bytes.


long getMobileQuotaUsage()

Returns the SDK's mobile data quota usage in bytes.


SdkStatus getSdkStatus()

Returns an SdkStatus object representing the state of the SDK.


UserActivity getUserActivity()

Returns a UserActivity object representing the currently detected user's activity.


void getUserAccessToken(TokenResultCallback callback)

Returns the user's API access token as a Token object via the specified callback.

For more information regarding failure, see TokenResultCallback.onFailure().



A callback to handle the token result. Note that the SDK holds a weak reference to this callback in order to prevent component leaks. Make sure you have a strong reference to it in order to guarantee its execution.


@Nullable String getUserId()

Returns the Sentiance user ID, or null if authentication has not yet succeeded.


String getVersion()

Returns the SDK version as a String.


long getWiFiQuotaLimit()

Returns the SDK's WiFi quota limit in bytes.


long getWiFiQuotaUsage()

Returns the SDK's WiFi quota usage in bytes.


void init(SdkConfig sdkConfig, final OnInitCallback initCallback)

Initializes the Sentiance Sdk.

This method constructs internal SDK components and prepares the SDK for handling app and system requests. If a Sentiance user does not yet exist on the device, this method triggers user creation on the Sentiance Platform, which requires internet connectivity.

During the lifetime of the app process, calling this method again after a successful initialization is not allowed. Doing so is regarded as an error and therefore throws an SdkException at runtime. To reinitialize the SDK with a different configuration or to create a new Sentiance user, first call reset(ResetCallback).

All methods in this class (except this method, reset(ResetCallback), getInitState() and getVersion()) will throw an SdkException when called before initialization has completed.



An SdkConfig representing the SDK configuration.


An OnInitCallback to handle the initialization of the Sdk.


void invokeDummyCrash()

Invokes a dummy crash event. Use this method to test your crash callback integration.

Calling this method will invoke the onCrash(long, Location) method of your CrashCallback implementation, set via setCrashCallback(CrashCallback).

Note that this method is intended for testing your integration, and will only run on debug versions of your app (i.e. when the android:debuggable manifest flag is set to true).


boolean isCrashDetectionSupported(TripType tripType)

Checks if crash detection is supported on the device for the specified trip type.

The result depends on multiple criteria, such as if crash detection is enabled for your app, and if the necessary sensors are present on the device.



A TripType enum indicating the type of trip for which you want to check.


boolean isTripOngoing(TripType tripType)

Indicates whether a trip is in progress.



A TripType enum indicating the type of trip the caller is interested in.


void removeUserMetadataField(String label)

Removes a user specific metadata field.



Metadata to remove.


The reset functionality is intended for removing all data in the device to handle a case such as a user logging out from an app or user requesting data deletion in the local app. It should not be used to reset the internal state of the SDK.

void reset(@Nullable ResetCallback callback)

Resets the Sentiance SDK.

Calling this method results in stopping of all SDK operations and deleting all SDK user data from the device. Additionally, the SDK will be uninitialized, allowing reinitialization and new Sentiance user creation.

The reset operation may take a while, in which case the SDK's initialization state will be set to InitState.RESETTING until it's complete. Calling any other SDK method during this time will either be ignored or return a default value. While resetting, make sure your app is in the foreground to prevent process termination (i.e. an activity is open, or a foreground service is running).

Note that calling this method during intermediate initialization states (i.e. INIT_IN_PROGRESS and RESETTING) will fail.



A ResetCallback to handle the reset completion.


This method is deprecated. Use setVehicleCrashListener(VehicleCrashListener) instead.

void setCrashCallback(@Nullable CrashCallback callback)

Sets a callback that is invoked when a vehicle crash is detected.



A CrashCallback object to receive crash time and location.



This method was deprecated in v4.21.0, as part of the Trip Profiling feature deprecation.

void setTripProfileListener(@Nullable TripProfileListener tripProfileListener)

Sets a listener that is invoked after a completed trip has been profiled. This feature must first be enabled for your app since it is not enabled by default.

�Note that profiling is only done on VehicleMode.VEHICLE transports of a trip. The listener is invoked only if the profiled trip contains a TransportSegment of type VehicleMode.VEHICLE.



A TripProfileListener to handle a new TripProfile, or null to remove the previous listener.


void setTripTimeoutListener(@Nullable TripTimeoutListener listener)

Sets a listener that is invoked when a trip times out. This method is relevant only when triggered trips are enabled via setTriggeredTripsEnabled(boolean) on the SdkConfig.Builder object. Trips do not time out otherwise.

To learn more about trip timeouts, see controlled detections.



A TripTimeoutListener to handle trip timeouts, or null to remove the previous listener.


void setUserActivityListener(@Nullable UserActivityListener listener)

Sets a listener that is invoked when a new user activity is detected. After calling this method, the current user activity will be immediately delivered to the listener.



A UserActivityListener to handle UserActivity changes, or null to remove the previous listener.


void setVehicleCrashListener(@Nullable VehicleCrashListener listener)

Sets a listener that is invoked when a vehicle crash is detected.



A VehicleCrashListener to receive details about the crash. Set null to remove the previously set listener.


void start(OnStartFinishedHandler handler)

Starts the SDK detections.

When this process has finished, OnStartFinishedHandler.onStartFinished(SdkStatus) will be called. This does not necessarily mean that the SDK is actually performing detections. You may use the SdkStatus passed to the onStartFinished(SdkStatus) method to determine why.

To automatically stop detections, call the start(Date, OnStartFinishedHandler) method instead. You do not need to call stop() beforehand as all start calls override each other.



A OnStartFinishedHandler used to notify that the SDK start has finished. Note that the SDK holds a weak reference to this handler to in order to prevent component leaks. Make sure you have a strong reference to it in order to guarantee its execution.


void start(Date stopDate, OnStartFinishedHandler handler)

Starts the SDK detections.

This method has the same behaviour as start(OnStartFinishedHandler) except an absolute date is passed to automatically stop the SDK some time in the future. A typical use-case is when the app provides a free trial period for its users after which the SDK should stop running.

To cancel the auto-stop functionality, you can call this method with a null stopDate or just call start(OnStartFinishedHandler). You do not need to call stop() beforehand as all start calls override each other.



An absolute date at which the SDK is stopped. If the date is in the past, the SDK will stop immediately.


A OnStartFinishedHandler used to notify that the SDK start has finished. Note that the SDK holds a weak reference to this handler to in order to prevent component leaks. Make sure you have a strong reference to it in order to guarantee its execution.


void startTrip(@Nullable Map<String, String> metadata, 
               @Nullable TransportMode transportModeHint, 
               @Nullable StartTripCallback callback)

Starts an external trip.

To learn more about external trips, see controlled detections.



A map of metadata pertaining to the newly started trip, which will be saved along with the trip data.


A TransportMode hint indicating the type of transport being used, if known.


A StartTripCallback to handle trip start success and failure.


void stop()

Stops the SDK detections.


void stopTrip(@Nullable StopTripCallback callback)

Stops the currently ongoing external trip (started by calling starTrip()).

To learn more about external trips, see controlled detections.



A StopTripCallback to handle trip stop success and failure.


void submitDetections(@Nullable SubmitDetectionsCallback callback)

Submits the detections to the Sentiance API. This will bypass any network quota limitation.

�A typical use case of this method would be when the enclosing app determines (via getDiskQuotaUsage() or SdkStatus.diskQuotaStatus) that there are too many detections on disk that have not yet been submitted.



A SubmitDetectionsCallback invoked with the result.


void updateSdkNotification(Notification notification)

Replaces the notification set in SdkConfig.Builder. After calling this method, any notification shown by the SDK will be updated.

�Note that this change is valid only during the process's lifetime. After the app process restarts, the SDK will default back to the notification set in SdkConfig.Builder.



A Notification used by the SDK when starting a foreground service.


void updateTripProfileConfig(TripProfileConfig tripProfileConfig)

Updates the TripProfileConfig. Configuration fields can be updated individually without the need to set all the other fields. Updating the configuration remains persistent so it doesn't have to be set after every SDK init. If the app passes a null configuration field, that field will be set to SDK default. All configuration fields will be set to SDK default if the app resets the SDK.



trip profile configuration.

Last updated