1. iOS Checklist
This document refers to deprecated parts of the platform and has been left intact to help customers with legacy integrations. In order to access the latest platform features and documentation, please go to https://docs.sentiance.com.
Follow the step below to integrate the iOS SDK.
1. Installation
2. Configuration
If you are going to use the Step Counter feature, you will need to set the registerBackgroundIdentifiers property to YES, and enable Background Fetch in the capabilities **** and add a key to the app's plist**:** BGTaskSchedulerPermittedIdentifiers
with an array item com.sentiance.backgroundtask.step_counter
3. Usage
4. Data Collection & SDK User Creation
In order for the SDK to collect data the application would need to first "create a user" on the SDK. The "createUser" should ideally be called when the user registers, logs in.
4.2 Standard
Verifying the Integration
You can verify the SDK integration by reading the following statuses from the SDK
Note: If you find the startStatus to be PENDING it usually implies that the user has not granted location:always permission. To know more, click here__
You can continue reading through the next sections to get a deeper understanding of the integration and the SDK capabilities.
Last updated