1. iOS Checklist

This document refers to deprecated parts of the platform and has been left intact to help customers with legacy integrations. In order to access the latest platform features and documentation, please go to https://docs.sentiance.com.

Follow the step below to integrate the iOS SDK.

1. Installation

1.1 Dependency

Include the following lines in your Podfile

platform :ios, '9.0'

And run the command

pod install --repo-update

If you are using Carthage instead, click here__

2. Configuration

2.2 Background Modes

Ensure you turn on Background Modes and enable Location updates

2.3 Permissions

Ensure you include the following permission in info.plist

NSMotionUsageDescription (Recommended)

3. Usage

3.1 SentianceHelper.swift

For a quick start we have created helper file a couple of methods to easily get started. Download this file and place it anywhere accessible in your codebase.

3.2 Initialization & Background Collection

Insert the following line in your AppDelegate.swift file and in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method_._ This line ensures that the SDK is initialized and can collect data while the application is in the background.

# AppDelegate.swift


See reference

4. Data Collection & SDK User Creation

In order for the SDK to collect data the application would need to first "create a user" on the SDK. The "createUser" should ideally be called when the user registers, logs in.

4.2 Standard

4.1 createUser

Invoke the SentianceHelper.createUser method at the moment you are ready to start the data collection. (e.g on user login, on user registration, at a feature, etc)

note: Do not forget to Include your "linkFunction"

   appId: <APP ID>,
   appSecret: <APP SECRET>,
   baseUrl: "https://api.sentiance.com",
   link: linkFunction,
   initCb: { }

See reference

4.2 linkFunction

This function is expected to communicate/pass the installId (fetched from the SDK) to your backend

Note: This method will receive the parameters: installId, linkSuccess, linkFailure

See reference

4.3 User linking in your backend

Create an endpoint on your backend which will communicate with the Sentiance backend and request an installId to be linked to a particular user (in your database)

See reference

4.4 linkFunction -> linkSuccess()

Upon your backend successfully performing the user linking execute the


method received as a parameter to you linkFunction

Verifying the Integration

You can verify the SDK integration by reading the following statuses from the SDK





Note: If you find the startStatus to be PENDING it usually implies that the user has not granted location:always permission. To know more, click here__

You can continue reading through the next sections to get a deeper understanding of the integration and the SDK capabilities.

Last updated